NCER Strategic Development Plan 2021 - 2025
Ensuring shared prosperity through balanced regional growth.
Targets to achieve by 2025:

Serve as the framework to spur more economic growth
This is in line with the Malaysian Government’s Shared Prosperity Vision 2030 that emphasises on economic to deliver sustained growth with social inclusion.
The plan is anchored on our vision of Growth with Equity and our goal of NCER becoming a world-class economic region by 2025. It outlines the strategies, insights and targeted achievements that would bring about positive spillover effects for the community. It also acts as the basis for the implementation of projects and programmes in NCER under the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP).
Our key outcomes
The strategic framework targets the following four key outcomes which will ultimately benefit the rakyat and enhance their socioeconomic wellbeing.

Job Creation
The focus of this key outcome is to increase employment opportunities for the locals and youths in the northern region by providing more semi-skilled and high-skilled jobs, as well as increase the participation of women in the workforce.

Encourage Entrepreneurship
The second key outcome is focused on encouraging and creating opportunities for entrepreneurship at all levels of community, in addition to providing opportunities for Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurs (SMEs) in terms of micro-credentials and other social enterprises.

High Income
The focus of the third key outcome is on reducing income disparity between the states in NCER, as well as within the states themselves, in order to reduce the income gap between the northern region and other regions in the country. This also includes elevating the income of the B40-40 group, as well as increasing the Bumiputera income contribution to the GDP.

Increase Private Investment
This new key outcome is focused on strengthening the competitiveness of the northern region in order to attract investment from both domestic and foreign sources. Hence, greater private sector participation in the economy will be encouraged to further drive sustainable growth.
Our Key Strategic Thrusts
These strategic thrusts under the new framework place equal emphasis on socioeconomic development and the rakyat; and are aligned with the three key dimensions of the Shared Prosperity model – Sustainable Economic Growth, Social Re-engineering and Conservation and Preservation of Environment.

Sustainable Economic Growth
- Drive development in key priority and strategic sectors
- Reduce regional development disparities and urban-rural imbalance
- Foster entrepreneurship culture
Social Re-engineering
- Prioritise social capital
- Empowering women and youth
- Enhance liveability and quality of life
- Support Bumiputera and inclusive agenda
Conservation and Preservation of Environment
- Sustainable development with smart clean technology
- Sustainable management of natural resources
- Conservation and preservation of natural resources
- Focus on renewable / clean energy
- Drive development in key priority & strategic sectors
- Reduce regional development disparities & urban-rural imbalance
- Foster entrepreneurship culture
- Prioritise social capital
- Empowering women and youth
- Enhance liveability & quality of life
- Support Bumiputera & inclusive agenda
- Sustainable development with smart clean technology
- Sustainable management of natural resources
- Conservation and preservation of natural resources
- Focus on renewable / clean energy
High Impact Projects Across Key Priority Sectors
High impact projects to be implemented across key priority sectors to spearhead regional development.
Our key enablers
These four key enablers have been identified to support the key strategic thrusts in achieving the vision and targeted outcomes of the region.

The upgrading and improvement of logistics and transportation infrastructure will help strengthen urban-rural linkages and strengthen overall connectivity and mobility in the region.

Skills and Talent
Talent is a key enabler, particularly for NCER which is facing the issues of out-migration. Equipping the workforce with relevant skill sets that are tailored tokey industries and enhancing graduateemployability will help support increased economicactivities and attract investment.

There is a need for continuous improvement in efficiency, transparency and accountability of governance.In addition, coordination between government bodies and agencies also need to be increased to improve effectiveness.

Advanced Technology
The fourth enabler is advanced technology, and embracing digital economy and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR4.0). This includes strengthening the digital infrastructure, such as broadband connectivity, as well as driving efforts in research and development and commercialisation (R&D&C).